JeffPo's 12/04/02 Ice Storm Page

Last update:  12/12/02

Wednesday night and Thursday morning brought lots of sleet and freezing rain.  Power was knocked out all over the place and trees were down.  We had a leaky roof and a few falling limbs hit our storage building and trampoline.  But instead of taking pictures of the damage this storm did, I thought I would snap a few shots of the beauty once the gray skies turned to blue.  And this was AFTER a significant portion of the ice had melted!  I've got a few shots below, I may add more once I get some film developed.

Crystal ForestI call this shot the "Crystal Forest", because the trees are so shiny with ice, they look like crystals.

Crystal Forest 2Here's a zoomed in shot of the "Crystal Forest"

Ice GrassHere's some grass blades covered with ice.  Pretty much the whole yard looked like this during the peak.

Ice CactusHere's an ice covered cactus in our front yard.

Ice TreeHere's a tree covered in ice.

Ice Tree 2Here's a zoomed in shot of the "ice tree".

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